[slime-devel] Installing swank

Patrick May pjm at spe.com
Fri Jun 5 12:44:05 UTC 2009

	I'm having trouble installing swank locally.  I had it working by  
adding a symbolic link from /usr/local/src/slime/swank.asd to /usr/ 
local/asdf-install/site-systems/swank.asd, but that required write  
access to /usr/local/src/slime for temporary files.  Is there a way to  
specify a different directory for those?

	I then tried this:

(make-package :swank-loader)
(defparameter swank-loader::*source-directory* "/home/pjm/slime/")
(defparameter swank-loader::*fasl-directory* "/home/pjm/slime/")
(load "/home/pjm/slime/swank-loader.lisp")
(setq swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* nil)
(swank:create-server :port 4005 :dont-close t)

But it resulted in:

 > Error: Reader error on #<BASIC-FILE-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM ("/home/ 
pjm/ccl-init.lisp"/4 ISO-8859-1) #x300040F05A0D>, near position 714,  
within "etq swank:*use-dedic":
 >        Reference to unknown package "SWANK".
 > While executing: CCL::SIGNAL-READER-ERROR, in process listener(1).

Is there a way to install via asdf locally?

	(Clozure CL 64-bit on CentOS, if that matters.)



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