[slime-devel] ECL 1.12.2/3 on slime

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sat Dec 19 08:49:25 UTC 2009

Seth <seth at tewebs.com> writes:

> Im trying to use ECL on windows with slime , compiled using microsoft visual c++.
> But. Not qutie working! I receive these sorts of errors:
> Debugger entered: nil
>   (condition-case error (slime-net-read) (error (debug) (slime-net-close process
> t) (error "net-read error: %S" error)))
>   slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
>   slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
>   slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp>
> "/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/E3E1A.obj\\\"\n;;; Note: Invoking external
> command:\n;;;   cl -Fe\\\"C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/E3E1A.fas\\\"
> \\\"C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/E3E1A.obj\\\"   /LD /link /incremental:no
> /nologo /nodefaultlib:libcmt /nodefaultlib:libcmtd /nodefaultlib:libc
> /nodefaultlib:libcd /nodefaultlib:msvcrtd.lib ecl.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib
> shell32.lib /EXPORT:init_fas_CODE /LIBPATH:c:/Seth/lisp/ecl/
> /IMPLIB:C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/E3E1A.implib\n;;; Error: The C compiler
> failed to compile the intermediate code for
> ASDF-DIRECTORY.\")000013(:write-string \"\n\")000024(:presentation-start 1
> :repl-result)000022(:write-string \"NIL\" :repl-result)000022(:presentation-end 1
> :repl-result)000020(:write-string \"\n\" :repl-result)000025(:presentation-start
> 15 :repl-result)000020(:write-string \"T\" :repl-result)000023(:presentation-end
> 15 :repl-result)000020(:write-string \"\n\"
> :repl-result)000025(:presentation-start 15 :repl-result)000020(:write-string
> \"T\" :repl-result)000023(:presentation-end 15 :repl-result)000020(:write-string
> \"\n\" :repl-result)000016(:return (:ok nil) 18)00032F(:write-string \"\n;;; End
> of Pass 1.\n;;; Note: Invoking external command:\n;;;   cl
> -I\\\"c:/Seth/lisp/ecl/\\\"  /EHsc /DGC_DLL /DGC_BUILD /nologo
> \\\"C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/E3E1A.c\\\" -Fo\\\"C")

Can you post the contents of *inferior-lisp* buffer, the content of the
*slime-events* buffer, and the content of the * cl-connection* [sic]
buffer, please?

> Then, when i try to type in somethign else after exiting this with q, say typing
> in the letter a, i get some wacky error
> which doesnt even copy paste correctly.

Yes, slime is in a screwed state in that case. The command `M-x
slime-reset' may be able to restore a proper state. (That won't help
much if any following requests gets it into a screwed state again, of


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