[slime-devel] fontification err

vanekl vanek at acd.net
Fri Aug 7 23:32:26 UTC 2009

Different file this time:
   xml-parse.lisp in cxml package.
(slime,warning/warning) "xml-parse.lisp at gnulou":400:71 (pt=15132).
Caught error during fontification while searching for forms
that are suppressed by reader-conditionals. The error was:
(cl-assertion-failed (<= (point) limit)).

This is a bug in Slime itself. Please report this to the mailinglist
slime-devel at common-lisp.net and include your Emacs version,
the guilty Lisp source file, the header of this message, and the
following backtrace.

  backtrace() (let ((standard-output ...)) (backtrace))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (get-buffer-create ...)) (setq
  buffer-read-only nil) (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
  (erase-buffer) (let (...) (backtrace)) (prog1 (buffer-string)
  (erase-buffer))) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create
  (generate-new-buffer-name " *string-output*")) (setq
  buffer-read-only nil) (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
  (erase-buffer) (let (...) (backtrace)) (prog1 (buffer-string)
  (erase-buffer))) (with-output-to-string (backtrace))
  (slime-display-warning "%S:%d:%d (pt=%d).\n%s\n\nThis
  is a bug in Slime itself. Please report this
  to the\nmailinglist slime-devel at common-lisp.net
  and include your Emacs\nversion, the guilty Lisp
  source file, the header of this\nmessage, and the following
  (buffer-name) (line-number-at-pos) (current-column) (point)
  (apply (function format) message args) (with-output-to-string
  (backtrace))) slime-bug("Caught error during fontification
  while searching for forms\nthat are suppressed by
  reader-conditionals. The error was: %S." (cl-assertion-failed
  (<= (point) limit))) byte-code("..." [condition result nil
  slime-bug "Caught error during fontification while searching
  for forms\nthat are suppressed by reader-conditionals. The
  error was: %S."] 3) slime-search-suppressed-forms(14462)
  font-lock-fontify-keywords-region(14106 14462 nil)
  font-lock-default-fontify-region(14106 14462 nil)
  font-lock-fontify-region(14106 14462) byte-code("..." [end next
  beg text-property-any lazy-lock t 0 nil font-lock-fontify-region
  lazy-lock-put-text-property] 6) lazy-lock-fontify-region(14106
  15464) lazy-lock-fontify-window(#<window on "xml-parse.lisp at gnulou"
  0x880d>) walk-windows(lazy-lock-fontify-window no-minibuf #<x-frame
  "emacs" 0xfe1>) lazy-lock-maybe-fontify-frame(#<x-frame "emacs"
  0xfe1>) byte-code("..." [starting-frame frame selected-frame
  frame-visible-p frame-minibuffer-only-p next-frame visible-nomini
  throw lazy-lock-frame-loop-done t lazy-lock-maybe-fontify-frame]
  4) lazy-lock-pre-idle-fontify-windows()

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