[slime-devel] Truncated error messages in the debugger

Zach elzacho at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 05:39:16 UTC 2008

This is a minor inconvenience since I can inspect the condition and find out
what is really going on, but, just thought I would point it out.  From cvs
slime (a little out of date).  Anyone else get this behavior?

(defclass test-class ()
  ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b)) )

(defun func1 (lst)
  (declare (type list lst))
  lst )

(defmethod print-object ((obj test-class) str)
  (format str "#<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form ~A ~A>"
          (slot-value obj 'a) (slot-value obj 'b) ))

;; This causes an error (func1 expects a list)
(func1 (make-array 20 :initial-contents
                   (loop for i below 20 collect
                        (make-instance 'test-class :a 1 :b 2) )))

In the debugger I get this (the error message here has lost the "is not of
type LIST" part):

The value
  #(#<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
    #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> ..)
   [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]

 0: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
 1: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread"

  0: (FUNC1 #(#<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> #<This is
an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> #<This is an objects special
PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> #<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2>
#<This is an objects special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> #<This is an objects
special PRINT-OBJECT form 1 2> ...))[:EXTERNAL]
  2: (SWANK::EVAL-REGION "(func1  (make-array 20 :initial-contents (loop for
i below 20 collect (make-instance 'test-class :a 1 :b 2))))
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