[slime-devel] swank-listener-hooks fix, paredit-friendly REPL patch

Ivan Shvedunov ivan4th at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 20:20:40 UTC 2008

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Helmut Eller <heller at common-lisp.net> wrote:
> Patch applied.


>>   Another patch attached to this message makes SLIME REPL usable in
>> Paredit mode by using the part of input between its start and (point)
>> as history search pattern. I've sent a patch doing that long time ago,
>> it was applied but later accidentally (as I understood it after asking
>> on #lisp) reverted. I forgot about it for a while and just kept
>> changes in my copy of SLIME, but now I decided to share them again.
> I committed this with some modifications.  It's still a mystery to me
> how this patch can affect paredit mode.

Well, it affects paredit mode in REPL buffer. Paredit automagically
inserts ')' after you type '('. So if you typed '(lo' you will have
'(lo)' at your REPL prompt with point before the closing paren and
when you press M-p to find previous '(loop ...)' expression you typed
before, nothing will be found unless the portion between start of
input and point is used, unless of course you typed exactly '(lo)'


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