[slime-devel] lispworks 5.1 conditions

Peter Denno pdenno at starpower.net
Thu Mar 27 21:07:23 UTC 2008


I just tried lispworks 5.1/linux (released today) with Slime CVS HEAD. 
I'm not a Slime hacker, but it appears that the argument to 
swank-backend::lispworks-severity in this version of LW can be a 
dotted list of the form:


Thus the etypecase in lispworks-severity can fail. So, a naive patch:

(defun lispworks-severity (condition)
  (cond ((not condition) :warning)
             (t (etypecase 
                      #+:lispworks5.1 (car condition) 
                      #-lispworks5.1 condition
             (error :error)
             (style-warning :warning)
             (warning :warning)))))

I don't doubt that this should be taken care of elsewhere, before the 
call to lispworks-severity. The list structure seems to have 
consequences elsewhere. e.g warnings now look like this:

-+  Warnings (1)
 `-- (*ZIPPY* assumed special in SETQ . 15798)

Best regards,
  - Peter

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