[slime-devel] Re: filtering compiler output

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Fri Mar 21 16:48:23 UTC 2008

Roman Budzianowski <roman.j at budzianowski.net> writes:

> I was not clear. I have to evaluate
> (mini-module::compile-module :pq-core :propagate :recompile)
> to compile my system. The output goes to REPL buffer.

You can place that form in a buffer (cf. M-x slime-scratch), and perform
a C-c C-c on it. Or you can do a M-x slime-compile-defun explicitly at
the REPL.

Alternatively, you can write your own REPL shortcut (see
`defslime-repl-shortcut') that does something like

      (cl:lambda () 
        (mini-module::compile-module ,modulename , at args)))
   (slime-make-compilation-finished-continuation (current-buffer)))

> I was wondering if the functionality of REPL buffer can be extended to
> parse the compiler output and display it in more intelligent way.

We don't parse the compiler output, but rely on special compiler-note
conditions being signalled by the compiler.


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