[slime-devel] [Patch] Rebind C-c C-t in REPL to slime-toggle-trace-fdefinition

Matthias Koeppe mkoeppe+slime at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de
Wed Jan 9 17:10:56 UTC 2008

Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe+slime at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de> writes:

> Michael Weber <michaelw+slime at foldr.org> writes:
>> On Dec 12, 2007, at 14:06 , Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>>> 2007-12-12  Matthias Koeppe  <mkoeppe at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
>>> 	* slime.el (slime-repl-mode-map): Bind C-c C-t to
>>> 	slime-toggle-trace-fdefinition (as in Lisp buffers) instead of
>>> 	slime-repl-clear-buffer.  This binding is useful for untracing
>>> 	functions directly from the trace output.
>> [...]  please provide an alternative binding for
>> slime-repl-clear-buffer.  [...] Maybe C-c M-o?  However, I find that
>> harder to type.
> I like your suggestion of C-c M-o, as this binding makes sense as the
> more powerful variant of C-c C-o, `slime-repl-clear-output'.

I have now committed this change to SLIME CVS:

2008-01-09  Matthias Koeppe  <mkoeppe at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>

	* slime.el (slime-repl-mode-map): Bind C-c C-t to
	slime-toggle-trace-fdefinition (as in Lisp buffers) instead of
	slime-repl-clear-buffer.  This binding is useful for untracing
	functions directly from the trace output.  Move
	slime-repl-clear-buffer to the keybinding C-c M-o. 

Matthias Köppe -- http://www.math.uni-magdeburg.de/~mkoeppe

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