[slime-devel] Re: Debugging "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly" events?

Dave Roberts ldave at droberts.com
Tue Aug 5 07:33:43 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 09:19 +0200, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
> Dave Roberts <ldave at droberts.com> writes:
> > Thanks. There was nothing in *slime-events* at all. The command is
> > there, but no output or diagnostics. Where does SWANK log things when
> > *log-events* is set to T? It looks like swank:*log-output* is set to
> > standard error, but I'm not sure what that points to when the SBCL
> > instance is started using M-x slime in Emacs.
> It's in *inferior-lisp*.

Ah, gotcha. Thanks. It looks like SBCL threw a
SB-INT:STREAM-ENCODING-ERROR. The last bit of the output in
*inferior-lisp* is:

...[lots of HTML output snipped]...
" :repl-result)
;; Event history end.
;; Backtrace:
;; Connection to Emacs lost. [
;;  condition: Unable to display error condition: #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for
"a socket" {B28D9A9}> is closed.
;;  encoding: NIL style: :SPAWN dedicated: NIL]

Any idea how I should interpret that?

-- Dave

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