[slime-devel] Error re-requiring swank

Travis Cross travis at travislists.com
Wed Apr 9 11:14:00 UTC 2008


Attempting to (require 'swank) twice in the same lisp image causes an 
error on (at least) SBCL-1.0.15 with asdf-binary-locations enabled. [1]

The error is triggered when asdf:load-op [2] goes looking for 
swank-loader.fasl/swank-loader.lisp in the fasls directory (which, 
because of asdf-binary-locations, won't be the same directory that 
contained the source swank-loader.lisp).  The "make compile-op a nop" 
stuff in swank.asd, however, makes sure that a swank-loader.fasl file 
will never get generated.

This error occurs on the latest CVS but does not occur on swank CVS 
circa 2008-01-31.

The attached patch corrects the issue by allowing swank-loader.fasl to 
be generated.  This seems like the best solution to me, but I'm not 
familiar with the impact of this on other implementations.


-- Travis

[1] Why is this important?  I often have swank preloaded in my lisp 
image.  If I then try to load a system that depends on swank, this error 
is triggered and prevents the system from loading.

[2] actually, the method asdf:operation-done-p ((o asdf:load-op) ...)

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