[slime-devel] Re: function I would like

John J Foerch jjfoerch at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 21 15:23:34 UTC 2007

Helmut Eller <heller at common-lisp.net> writes:
> Sounds OK to me, since the Slime REPL is part of the UI.  
> But consider that slime-repl-send-string is a implementation detail,
> not some documented interface function.  Don't blame us if we change
> it and break your code.  Slime doesn't have a documented API and it
> would be a lot of work to create one.  The function slime-eval-async
> is likely to stay forever, though.  Use that if you need something
> stable.
> Also keep in mind that Emacs sexps and CL sexps look very similar but
> aren't fully equivalent.  The proposed slime-repl-send converts a
> Elisp sexp to a string and the string is converted to a CL sexp.  The
> final result depends on the current CL reader settings.  That may
> exactly be what you need in your application, but often it's not.
> Helmut.

Ah, thank you.  I can use slime-eval-async, and nevermind about


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