[slime-devel] Slime and Unicode

Denys Rtveliashvili rtvd at mail.ru
Wed Sep 5 16:22:24 UTC 2007

> | I have tried the latest version of Slime from CVS and found that it does 
> | not like Unicode. [...]
> | 
> | However, when I changed "slime.el" a bit by adding utf-8-unix
> | 
> |     (defvar slime-net-coding-system
> |       (find-if 'slime-find-coding-system
> |                '(utf-8-unix iso-latin-1-unix iso-8859-1-unix binary))
> |       "*Coding system used for network connections.
> |     See also `slime-net-valid-coding-systems'.")
> | 
> | it started to work just fine.
> The recommended method is not to change slime.el, but to put
>   (setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
> in your .emacs.
> - Harald
Hi Harald,

OK, I can do i.t And it is a better way, of course. However, the main 
question here is why Unicode is not default? Is there a good reason for it?
Yes, I understand that for USA and a part of Europe it is not an issue. 
But the rest of the world does not use Latin-1. And modern OSes use 
Unicode internally.

With kind regards,
Denys Rtveliashvili

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