[slime-devel] Re: Can not start slime-2.0 with clisp-2.33.2p1 on OpenBSD-4.1

Zoong PHAM zoong at zoong.com
Wed Nov 21 23:06:30 UTC 2007

On Wednesday, 21 November 2007 at 23:50:39 +0100, Helmut Eller wrote:
> My first guess is that the segmentation fault is a CLISP-on-OpenBSD
> problem and not a Slime problem. 

This is what I suspect too. However, I am total new to all Lisp, Emacs (I
am a vi person) and Slime :-(

> Could you try the CVS version of Slime 

Yes. I will try and update the status.

> and perhaps a newer CLISP? 2.33
> is rather old.  

It is not that easy. I have tried with clisp-2.41a, 2.42 and 2.43. They
don't compile on OpenBSD-4.1 and 4.2. It is known problem with OpenBSD
random malloc thingy.

> If that doesn't work, show us the content of the
> *slime-events* buffer.

How can I do that? 
Sorry, I am new to slime and emacs.

Thanks a lot.


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