[slime-devel] non-interactive interaction with repl

Joe Corneli jcorneli at planetmath.org
Tue Jun 19 06:07:55 UTC 2007

I see how I can non-interactively feed the REPL, by using
`slime-repl-eval-string' -- e.g. --

(slime-repl-eval-string "*package*")

However, I don't see how to get the back into Emacs in a
straightforward way.  Whereas the above command prints the current
package in the REPL buffer, I desire a command that returns the
current package to Emacs.

(slime-eval (+ 1 2))

returns 3.

(slime-eval '*package*)

triggers SLDB with the error

The variable SWANK-IO-PACKAGE::*PACKAGE* is unbound.
   [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE]

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