[slime-devel] Re: C-M-q not working in SLIME 2007-01-20

Bill Clementson billclem at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 16:32:42 UTC 2007

On 23 Jan 2007 17:03:25 +0200, Ariel Badichi <abadichi at bezeqint.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> "Attila Lendvai" <attila.lendvai at gmail.com> writes:
> > > So a better fix is:
> > >
> > > (defvar slime-scratch-mode-map
> > >   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
> > >     (set-keymap-parent map lisp-mode-map)
> > >     map))
> >
> > without knowing too much about keymaps, minor/major modes and their
> > interactions... (so take it with a piece of salt...) but how about
> > (set-keymap-parent slime-mode-map lisp-mode-map)?
> >
> Hmm.  Lisp is a major mode, so it sets up lisp-mode-map as a local
> keymap.  Slime is a minor mode, and it can be used with major modes
> other than Lisp, though that doesn't seem terribly useful.  Why should
> Slime be a keymap hog and absorb lisp-mode-map into slime-mode-map?
> Especially when in the general case (non-scratch Lisp Slime buffers)
> lisp-mode-map bindings are already active, so there'll be duplication
> of bindings, unless you change the local keymap but that seems
> perverse.  The SLIME scratch buffer is a special case, and needs its
> own local keymap anyway.  Since it gets created with a Lisp major mode
> we can reasonably say that its local keymap should be based on
> lisp-mode-map.  It would also change the order of key lookup; if
> someone comes up with another minor mode that is supposed, say, to
> override some Lisp mode keybindings, it could conflict with Slime
> then.

What's confusing for me is that (if I do a "C-h m" in the SLIME
scratch buffer) both lisp mode and slime mode are shown as being
active in the SLIME scratch buffer. And, (again, if you do "C-h m")
the "C-M-q" key chord is shown as being bound to indent-sexp in lisp
mode but that it is being "shadowed". But there is no alternative
binding for C-M-q. So, presumably some other minor mode must be
removing the "C-M-q" binding? But, slime-scratch-buffer does the
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*slime-scratch*")
	(use-local-map slime-scratch-mode-map)
	(slime-mode t)

so, I would have thought that the same bindings that are in effect for
lisp-mode and slime-mode would also be in effect for the slime-scratch
buffer (with the addition of any keys that were added to
slime-scratch-mode-map - only C-j at the moment). I don't see what
could be "shadowing" the C-M-q binding in lisp-mode.

- Bill

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