[slime-devel] Re: Swank disconnects when editing an ASD-file

Rüdiger Sonderfeld kingruedi at c-plusplus.de
Wed Sep 13 16:15:31 UTC 2006

Am 13.09.2006 um 06:37 schrieb Nikodemus Siivola:

> Rüdiger Sonderfeld <kingruedi at c-plusplus.de> writes:
>> (sb-impl::default-external-format) => :UTF-8
>> ( ESC : slime-net-coding-system returns utf-8-unix so it seems to be
>> set correctly)
> Can you post a .asd that causes this to happen?

I attatched a simple .lisp file that causes this to happen.

(I'm using Carbon GNU/Emacs http://homepage.mac.com/ 
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