[slime-devel] Lispbox 0.7 containing Allegro 7.0 for Windows

Brecht Desmet bdesmet at vub.ac.be
Tue May 9 11:59:43 UTC 2006

I experienced some trouble using Lispbox 0.7 containing Allegro 7.0  
for Windows. Each time I quit Emacs and agree to kill all running  
processes, I receive the following failure from my windows machine:  
"Windows is not able to quit the program c:\program files\LispBox-0.7 
\emacs-21.3\bin\cmdproxy.exe". Furthermore, the alisp process is not  
stopped, so I have to manually shutdown Allegro each time. A similar  
problem arises using Mac machines: after exiting Emacs, the alisp  
process is running in the background.

Next to this problem, I noticed that starting up SLIME on Mac  
machines is significantly slower at the point "Polling "/tmp/slime. 
2444 ..." which can take up to 10 seconds. Sometimes the system does  
not continue after this point or sometimes my Emacs freezes in the  
startup animation of SLIME. Is anyone familiar with these problems on  


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