[slime-devel] Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid

Kamen TOMOV kamen at cybuild.com
Mon Jul 3 11:40:24 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I have trouble connecting to a machine running CMUCL from a Windows
box, although I connect to CMUCL from a Linux box. I have CLISP 2.38
and Slime 2.0 and tried with different versions of Emacs, but without

I verified that there is no problem conecting to a local SWANK server
from Windows.

The keyword argument the error is about is the Lisp process's pid on
the remote machine.

I would be grateful for your help.

Here is the stack trace from the Emacs debugger:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)")
  signal(error ("Keyword argument 5836 not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)"))
  error("Keyword argument %s not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)" 5836)
  (cond ((memq ... ...) (setq --keys--50817 ...)) ((car ...) (setq --keys--50817 nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:pid :style :lisp-implementation :machine :features :package)" ...)))
  (while --keys--50817 (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))
  (let ((--keys--50817 --rest--50816)) (while --keys--50817 (cond ... ... ...)))
  (let* ((--rest--50816 info) (pid ...) (style ...) (lisp-implementation ...) (machine ...) (features ...) (package ...)) (let (...) (while --keys--50817 ...)) (setf (slime-pid) pid (slime-communication-style) style (slime-lisp-features) features) (destructuring-bind (&key name prompt) package (setf ... name ... prompt)) (destructuring-bind (&key type name version) lisp-implementation (setf ... type ... version ... name ... ...)) (destructuring-bind (&key instance type version) machine (setf ... instance)))
  (progn (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ...) (setf ... pid ... style ... features) (destructuring-bind ... package ...) (destructuring-bind ... lisp-implementation ...) (destructuring-bind ... machine ...)))
  (destructuring-bind (&key pid style lisp-implementation machine features package) info (setf (slime-pid) pid (slime-communication-style) style (slime-lisp-features) features) (destructuring-bind (&key name prompt) package (setf ... name ... prompt)) (destructuring-bind (&key type name version) lisp-implementation (setf ... type ... version ... name ... ...)) (destructuring-bind (&key instance type version) machine (setf ... instance)))
  (let ((slime-dispatching-connection connection)) (destructuring-bind (&key pid style lisp-implementation machine features package) info (setf ... pid ... style ... features) (destructuring-bind ... package ...) (destructuring-bind ... lisp-implementation ...) (destructuring-bind ... machine ...)) (setq slime-state-name "") (when-let (p ...) (when-let ... ...)) (slime-hide-inferior-lisp-buffer) (slime-init-output-buffer connection) (run-hooks (quote slime-connected-hook)) (message "Connected. %s" (slime-random-words-of-encouragement)))
  slime-set-connection-info(#<process SLIME Lisp> (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))
  (lambda (G50154 info) (slime-set-connection-info (symbol-value G50154) info))(--proc-- (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))
  apply((lambda (G50154 info) (slime-set-connection-info (symbol-value G50154) info)) --proc-- (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --proc--) --cl-rest--))((5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))
  funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --proc--) --cl-rest--)) (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2"))
  (if (symbol-value G50166) (funcall (symbol-value G50166) result))
  (let* ((--rest--50164 rand-50162) (result ...)) (if (symbol-value G50166) (funcall ... result)))
  (cond ((eql op-50161 ...) (let* ... ...)) ((eql op-50161 ...) (let* ... ... ...)) (t (error "destructure-case failed: %S" tmp-50163)))
  (let* ((tmp-50163 G50157) (op-50161 ...) (rand-50162 ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))
  (lambda (G50166 G50157) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))(--cont-- (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")))
  apply((lambda (G50166 G50157) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...))) --cont-- (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote ...) (quote --cont--) --cl-rest--))((:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")))
  slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok (5836 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl" ... :sigio "CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" "r2")) 1) #<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
  slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "es\" . 2) (\"with-elapsed-run-time\" . 1) (\"with-temp-file\" . 1) (\"with-transaction\" . 1) (\"without-sync\" . 1) (\"with-transaction-log\" . 1)))\n00026A(:return (:ok (5836 \"CMU Common Lisp\" \"cmucl\" (:mop-store :cl-interpol :rune-is-octet :aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :cl-ppcre :gray-streams :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names :linux :glibc2 :unix :random-mt19937 :gencgc :pentium :i486 :hash-new :heap-overflow-check :stack-checking :common :common-lisp :ansi-cl :ieee-floating-point :cmu) :sigio \"CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches\" \"r2\")) 1)\n")

.: http://www.cybuild.com/ :.

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