[slime-devel] Problem installing slime (fedora core 4/clisp)

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 1 14:46:16 UTC 2006

* <stephen.3.odonnell at bt.com> [2006-01-29 12:30+0100] writes:

> *** - READ: input stream
>          #P"/home/sodonnel/.slime/fasl/clisp-2.38-unix-pc386/swank-clisp.fas"
>          @408>
>       ends within a token after multiple escape character

This looks like a miscompiled fasl file.  SLIME creates a .slime
subdir in your home directory and places its fasl files there.  Try to
delete that directory before you try again with CVS SLIME.

The problem is that SLIME tries to compile as little as possible and
we compare the file modification time of the fasl and source files to
decide whether something needs to be recompiled.  I guess that you
tried the 1.2.1 version first (and that version doesn't work with
clisp 2.38) and the broken fasl files are still there because the
modification time is newer than the source in CVS.

Maybe we should put fasl files for different SLIME versions in
different directories.


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