[slime-devel] Re: problem compiling files defining packages

Lynn Winebarger owinebar at indiana.edu
Tue Dec 12 23:08:09 UTC 2006

Zach Beane wrote:
> Lynn Winebarger <owinebar at indiana.edu> writes:
>> Hi,
>>     First, I want to thank the developers for this Lisp IDE.  It's
>> very cool.  But....
>>     I was trying to compile a file with C-c M-k, and the file started out
>> (defpackage "my-package" (:intern <stuff>) (:use "COMMON-LISP"))
>> (in-package "my-package")
>> Now, this is my first attempt at compiling a CL file (under SBCL
>> 0.9.18), with or with a package involved.  And it kept spitting out
>> errors for the stuff after these two lines, and I could not for the
>> life of me see why.
> What errors do you get? I can't make my system produce an error from
> what you wrote above (but I'm not sure what you used for <stuff>).

Aaargh.  Despite several hours of frustration last night and this 
morning, it's not producing an error for me, now, either.

I had first tried the compile/load file on the code below (to give some 
more context).  It must have "infected" the system, though I quit and 
restarted Emacs each time to purge the effect of the load.  I am using 
some of the names from the COMMON-LISP package and it took a few 
attempts to understand how to override them (and still be able to use 
the standard language elements).

    The next changes were to add (:use "common-lisp"), which then 
changed to (:use "COMMON-LISP"), and then added the (:intern "READ" ...).

My apologies,

(defpackage "my-package")

(in-package "my-package")

;;;; string checker, for catching non-portability early
(defun make-quote-reader (standard-quote-reader)
   (lambda (stream char)
     (let ((result (funcall standard-quote-reader stream char)))
       (unless (every (lambda (x) (typep x 'standard-char)) result)
	(warn "Found non-STANDARD-CHAR in ~S" result))

(compile 'make-quote-reader)

(set-macro-character #\" (make-quote-reader (get-macro-character #\" nil)))

(defun def-name-p (sym)
   (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
     (if (string= (subseq (string-upcase name) 0 2) "DEF")
	(if (alphanumericp (char name 3))
	    (intern (subseq name 4))
	    (intern (subseq name 3)))

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