[slime-devel] indentation customization in .emacs file in Lispbox 0.7 overriding a SLIME setting?

Kelvin Wu kelvinkwu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 16:47:41 UTC 2006


I am new to Lisp and SLIME and am using Peter Seibel's Lispbox 0.7 on
Windows XP Home to explore the language.

I wanted to add an automatic code indentation feature as described at
http://ssinghi.kreeti.com/Xemacs%20&%20Lisp%20For%20Dummies.html, so I
changed my .emacs file to contain the following:

        ;; shortcut for saving
        (global-set-key "\M-s" 'save-buffer)

        ;; indenting
        (defun my-set-newline-and-indent()
            (local-set-key [return] 'newline-and-indent))

        (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'my-set-newline-and-indent)
        (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'my-set-newline-and-indent)
        (add-hook 'Lisp-mode-hook 'my-set-newline-and-indent)

Then I removed the "--no-init-file" option from C:\lispbox-0.7\lispbox.bat.

After starting Lispbox, and verifying that the indentation feature was
working as I expected, I opened a buffer of code from Chapter 2 of
Practical Common Lisp and compiled it with a "C-c C-k".  The REPL
echoed that everything had compiled without errors.  But when I
attempted to type any further commands at the ">" prompt, the REPL did
not respond with an evaluation.

Peter Seibel directed me to this list for help.  He said that it was
possible that the "return is bound by SLIME in the REPL to
slime-repl-return which presumably is responsible for packaging up the
expression and sending it to Lisp to be evaluated, etc. The slime-
repl-mode-map inherits some bindings from lisp-mode so it may be that
by setting this key in lisp-mode you are overriding the binding SLIME

Would any of the SLIME developers have an idea on why this is the
case?  Thanks for any pointers.


Kelvin Wu

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