[slime-devel] Installing slime for clisp 2.35 - Error

David Hodge david at hodge.id.au
Sun Sep 11 06:09:18 UTC 2005

Very odd.

I think probably a stale fasl

I recompiled swak  outside of xemacs from the command line and
it now works fine

Surendra, you might try the same?

Yaroslav Kavenchuk wrote:

>David Hodge wrote:
>>>>I recently upgraded to clisp 2.35 and now when I try to start slime on
>>>>file, slime gets stuck.
>>>>The *inferior-lisp* buffer shows me the following restart.
>>>>** - Continuable Error
>>>>If you continue (by typing 'continue'): Ignore the lock and proceed
>>>>The following restarts are also available:
>>>>SKIP           :R1      skip (COMPILE-FILES-IF-NEEDED-SERIALLY #)
>>>>STOP           :R2      stop loading file C:\Program
>>>>ABORT          :R3      ABORT
>>>slime from xemacs?
>>>may be get slime from CVS head?
>>Same issue for me.
>>Using xemacs and CVS head
>>I think  something in swank-clisp.lisp
>>Have'nt time to track it down right now
>clisp 2.35, GNU emacs 22.0.51, slime from CVS head - no errors.
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