[slime-devel] trouble with connection being broken after loading an asdf system

Alan Ruttenberg alanr-l at mumble.net
Thu Sep 1 18:45:22 UTC 2005

This has been happening for a while - don't remember how long but  
it's not something that has arisen in the last few days.
I don't travel in this are of slime so perhaps one of you might give  
me some hints on how to debug it.

The symptom is a slime panic, followed by me having to control-g  
interrupt. Then I need to do M-x slime to get it going again.
I've including the *messages* buffer, the *slime-events* buffer, and  
the emacs debugger stack trace below.



Polling "/tmp/slime.623".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.)  
[22 times]
Connecting to Swank on port 49856..
Process bridge is installed
Connected. Hack and be merry!
(No files need saving)
Performing ASDF "LOAD-OP" on system "kb"
net-read error: (invalid-read-syntax "#")
Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: deleted

error in process filter: byte-code: PANIC!
error in process filter: PANIC!
Loading debug...done
Entering debugger..

Hangs, I hit control g - debugger buffer

---Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
   accept-process-output(nil 0 10000)
   (while t (accept-process-output nil 0 10000))
   (let ((debug-on-quit t) (inhibit-quit nil)) (while t (accept- 
process-output nil 0 10000)))
   (catch tag (slime-rex (tag sexp) (sexp package) (... ... ...)  
(... ...)) (let (... ...) (while t ...)))
   (apply (function funcall) (catch tag (slime-rex ... ... ... ...)  
(let ... ...)))
   (let* ((tag ...) (slime-stack-eval-tags ...)) (apply (function  
funcall) (catch tag ... ...)))
   (let ((notes ...)) (with-current-buffer buffer (multiple-value- 
bind ... result ... ...)) (run-hook-with-args (quote slime- 
compilation-finished-hook) notes))
   slime-compilation-finished(("NIL" "14.73") #<buffer *slime-repl  
   (lambda (G93794 result) (slime-compilation-finished result (symbol- 
value G93794)))(--buffer-- ("NIL" "14.73"))
   apply((lambda (G93794 result) (slime-compilation-finished result  
(symbol-value G93794))) --buffer-- ("NIL" "14.73"))
   (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote -- 
buffer--) --cl-rest--))(("NIL" "14.73"))
   funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote  
--buffer--) --cl-rest--)) ("NIL" "14.73"))
   (if (symbol-value G93806) (funcall (symbol-value G93806) result))
   (let* ((--rest--93804 rand-93802) (result ...)) (if (symbol-value  
G93806) (funcall ... result)))
   (cond ((eql op-93801 ...) (let* ... ...)) ((eql op-93801 ...)  
(let* ... ... ...)) (t (error "destructure-case failed: %S" tmp-93803)))
   (let* ((tmp-93803 G93797) (op-93801 ...) (rand-93802 ...)) (cond  
(... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))
   (lambda (G93806 G93797) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))(-- 
cont-- (:ok ("NIL" "14.73")))
   apply((lambda (G93806 G93797) (let* (... ... ...)  
(cond ... ... ...))) --cont-- (:ok ("NIL" "14.73")))
   (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote -- 
cont--) --cl-rest--))((:ok ("NIL" "14.73")))
   slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok ("NIL" "14.73")) 3) #<process  
SLIME Lisp>)
   slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> " . 1) (\"defppclapmacro 
\" . 2) (\"with-nx-declarations\" . 1) (\"do-present-symbols\" . 1)  
(\"numeric-dispatch\" . 1) (\"defnx1\" . 3) (\"defnx2\" . 3)  
(\"pprint-logical-block+\" . 1) (\"with-self-bound-io-control-vars 
\" . 0) (\"with-ioblock-lock-grabbed-maybe\" . 1) (\"using-resource 
\" . 1) (\"with-ioblock-output-locked\" . 1) (\"with-periodic-task- 
mask\" . 1) (\"with-ppc-p2-declarations\" . 1) (\"defppc2\" . 3)  
(\"with-ioblock-lock-grabbed\" . 1) (\"defnxdecl\" . 2) (\"with- 
package-lock\" . 1) (\"with-locked-dll-header\" . 1) (\"rlet\" . 1)  
(\"define-declaration\" . 2) (\"catch-cancel\" . 0) (\"with-pointer- 
to-ivector\" . 1) (\"with-cstrs\" . 1) (\"with-terminal-input\" . 0)  
(\"def-load-pointers\" . 2) (\"with-read-lock\" . 1) (\"with-write- 
lock\" . 1) (\"define-setf-method\" . 2) (\"defcallback\" . 2) (\"% 
vstack-block\" . 1) (\"with-string-vector\" . 1) (\"with-lock-grabbed 
\" . 1) (\"dovector\" . 1) (\"%stack-block\" . 1) (\"let-globally\" .  
1) (\"rletz\" . 1) (\"with-loop-list-collection-head\" . 1) (\"with- 
minimax-value\" . 1) (\"with-errorfree-printing\" . 0) (\"with-open- 
socket\" . 1) (\"with-stack-short-floats\" . 1) (\"defppcmacro\" . 2)  
(\"defsystem\" . 1) (\"with-xref\" . 0) (\"rebinding\" . 1) (\"with- 
unique-names\" . 1) (\"regex-apropos-aux\" . 1) (\"insert-char-class- 
tester\" . 1) (\"with-struct\" . 2) (\"defimplementation\" . 2)  
(\"with-compilation-hooks\" . 1) (\"with-time/cons\" . 2) (\"with- 
monitoring\" . 2) (\"presenting-object-if\" . 3) (\"with-describe- 
settings\" . 1) (\"with-connection\" . 1) (\"with-temp-package\" . 1)  
(\"presenting-object\" . 2) (\"with-bindings\" . 1) (\"with-io- 
redirection\" . 1) (\"with-reader-error-handler\" . 1) (\"defslimefun 
\" . 2) (\"without-interrupts\" . 0) (\"with-buffer-syntax\" . 1)  
(\"without-package-locks\" . 0) (\"atomically\" . 0) (\"fast\" . 0)  
(\"with-process-lock\" . 1) (\"without-scheduling\" . 0) (\"without- 
interrupts\" . 0) (\"with-timeout\" . 1) (\"with-stream-output-buffer 
\" . 2) (\"with-stream-input-buffer\" . 2) (\"with-unhex-cvt-buffer 
\" . 1) (\"with-tohex-cvt-buffer\" . 1) (\"define-some-element- 
constructors\" . 0) (\"define-element-constructors\" . 1)  
(\"defaskmacro\" . 2) (\"with-ask-vars\" . 1) (\">>\" . 1) (\"do- 
register-groups\" . 2) (\"<<\" . 1) (\"do-scans\" . 1) (\"presenting- 
object\" . 2) (\"with-ask-var\" . 1) (\"with-fast-string-functions 
\" . 0) (\"ask-lambda\" . 1) (\"do-matches-as-strings\" . 1)  
(\"register-groups-bind\" . 2) (\"do-matches\" . 1) (\"defask\" . 2)  
(\"&\" . 0) (\"with-augmented-environment\" . 1) (\"walker- 
environment-bind\" . 1) (\"with-new-definition-in-environment\" . 1))) 
\n0001AC(:new-features (:aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :md5-small- 
length :cl-ppcre :asdf-install :split-sequence :asdf :primary- 
classes :ccl :ccl-2 :ccl-3 :ccl-4 :coral :common- 
lisp :mcl :openmcl :ansi-cl :processes :unix :openmcl-native- 
threads :openmcl-partial-mop :mcl-common-mop-subset :openmcl- 
mop-2 :interfaces-2 :powerpc :ppc-target :ppc-clos :ppc32- 
target :ppc32-host :darwinppc-target :darwinppc- 
host :darwin :poweropen-target))\n000022(:return (:ok (\"NIL\" \"14.73 
\")) 3)\n")

--- *slime-events*

nil t 1)
(:open-dedicated-output-stream 49858)
(("with-lock-grabbed-maybe" . 1)
   ("with-ioblock-input-locked" . 1)
   ("with-package-write-lock" . 1)
   ("with-slot-values" . 2)
   ("with-eagain" . 2)
   ("with-declarations" . 1)
   ("without-gcing" . 0)
   ("with-restart" . 1)
   ("with-auxiliary-foreign-types" . 0)
   ("with-ppc-local-vinsn-macros" . 1)
   ("with-package-read-lock" . 1)
   ("while" . 1)
   ("%ilogior" . 1)
   ("with-call-method-context" . 1)
   ("with-dll-node-freelist" . 1)
   ("with-open-dir" . 1)
   ("collecting" . 0)
   ("ignoring-without-interrupts" . 0)
   ("with-area-macptr" . 1)
   ("with-standard-abort-handling" . 1)
   (624 "OpenMCL" "openmcl"
        (:cl-ppcre :asdf-install :split-sequence :asdf :primary- 
classes :ccl :ccl-2 :ccl-3 :ccl-4 :coral :common- 
lisp :mcl :openmcl :ansi-cl :processes :unix :openmcl-native- 
threads :openmcl-partial-mop :mcl-common-mop-subset :openmcl-mop-2 ...)
        :spawn "Version (Beta: Darwin) 0.14.3" "Alan-Ruttenbergs- 
"COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 2)
(swank:operate-on-system-for-emacs "kb" "LOAD-OP")
"COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 3)
(("with-lock-grabbed-maybe" . 1)
   ("with-ioblock-input-locked" . 1)
   ("with-package-write-lock" . 1)
   ("with-slot-values" . 2)
   ("with-eagain" . 2)
   ("with-declarations" . 1)
   ("without-gcing" . 0)
   ("with-restart" . 1)
   ("with-auxiliary-foreign-types" . 0)
   ("with-ppc-local-vinsn-macros" . 1)
   ("with-package-read-lock" . 1)
   ("while" . 1)
   ("%ilogior" . 1)
   ("with-call-method-context" . 1)
   ("with-dll-node-freelist" . 1)
   ("with-open-dir" . 1)
   ("collecting" . 0)
   ("ignoring-without-interrupts" . 0)
   ("with-area-macptr" . 1)
   ("with-standard-abort-handling" . 1)
(:aserve :htmlgen :acl-compat :md5-small-length :cl-ppcre :asdf- 
install :split-sequence :asdf :primary- 
classes :ccl :ccl-2 :ccl-3 :ccl-4 :coral :common- 
lisp :mcl :openmcl :ansi-cl :processes :unix ...))
   ("NIL" "14.73"))
nil t 4)

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