[slime-devel] slime repl prompt's intangible property

Hertog, Pieter den Pieter.denHertog at isc.politie.nl
Mon May 9 15:36:55 UTC 2005


First of all, thanks for Slime!  I am using it to
take my first baby-steps into the wonderful Lisp.

At the moment I have a small problem with symbol
completion at the repl prompt and I was wondering
whether I am the only one with the problem or just the
only one without an elegant solution (not unlikely).


CL-USER> *f <TAB>  -> choose *features* and hit RETURN

will get me an 'args-out-of-range' error.

The error seems due to the fact that hitting return in 
the emacs completions buffer ends up calling simple.el's


whose code doesn't cater for the buffer containing text
with text property `intangible' nearby the symbol to 
be completed.  That is, it uses (forward-char 1) and 
assumes point is moved forward 1 char, which is not true 
when point is in slime's repl prompt.

My current solution (other than using slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)
is to:

(add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (set (make-local-variable 'inhibit-point-motion-hooks) t)))

in my .emacs file.

I was wondering if there is a better solution.

thanks in advance,


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