[slime-devel] Re: slime-toggle-trace-fdefinition (C-c C-t)

Luke Gorrie luke at synap.se
Sun Mar 13 11:43:42 UTC 2005

Antonio Menezes Leitao <aml at gia.ist.utl.pt> writes:

> ... and I wonder if the macroexpand could bind *print-circle* to nil
> so that the macroexpansion command does not show a sexp full of #n=
> and #n# that I find harder to understand.  OTOH, it allows us to see
> structure sharing in the code but that doesn't seem to be terribly
> useful...

You can do something like this:

  (setf (cdr (assoc '*print-circle* swank:*swank-pprint-bindings*)) nil)

I haven't noticed #n# problems with CMUCL but I don't macroexpand all
that often.

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