[slime-devel] Re: .swank.lisp

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Tue Mar 1 23:05:43 UTC 2005

Peter Seibel <peter at gigamonkeys.com> writes:

> "Marco Baringer" <mb at bese.it> writes:
>> Peter Seibel <peter at gigamonkeys.com> writes:
>>> Or another way to achieve my goal, is to have swank-loader load a
>>> file, site-swank.lisp if it exists and to define a variable which
>>> will turn off loading of the user-init-file. Then I can build a
>>> site-swank.lisp that does the initialization I need for Lispbox and
>>> then disable loading of the users .swank.lisp. (I want to do this
>>> because the whole point of my Lispbox distro is to provide a stable
>>> a predictable environment.
>> i'm confused, why don't you just edit the swank-loader.lisp you
>> distribute with lisp in a box? would this change provide some
>> benefit other than making lisp in a box easier to build?
> Well, if I can make one small change to swank-loader.lisp that can
> accomodate this kind of customization and it gets folded into the
> mainline then I don't have to track further changes to
> swank-loader.lisp. While I may be the only one who needs to customize
> SLIME in this way at the moment it's not a particularly Lispbox
> specific change--I'm just making it possible for anyone installing
> SLIME to customize where it looks for .swank.lisp while leaving the
> default behavior to look in the user's home dir.

ok, that makes sense, would this work? it loads the file
site-init.lisp if it exists, otherwise it loads .swank.lisp. if you
provide a site-init.lisp its up to you, as the all-knowing all-seeing
sysop, to load the user's init-files by calling

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