[slime-devel] some cancel-timer error

Surendra Singhi efuzzyone at netscape.net
Sun Jan 30 21:47:34 UTC 2005

    I am using Xemacs 21.4.13 and slime-1.0 with clisp 2.33.1 on window 
XP. When I try to start slime it says swank started at port 1071 but it 
doesn't connects to the clisp. And on doing debug on error I get the 
message below.
Earlier everything use to work fine, but yesterday I was playing with my 
Xemacs setting and I landed up in this trouble.

Is it some slime problem or clisp or xemacs problem? What is the 
solution for it?


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function cancel-timer)
   (cancel-timer slime-connect-retry-timer)
   (if slime-connect-retry-timer (cancel-timer slime-connect-retry-timer))
   (lambda (G81326 G81327 G81328) (if (active-minibuffer-window) nil 
(message "Polling %S.. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.)" ...)) 
(slime-set-state (format "[polling:%S]" ...)) (if 
slime-connect-retry-timer (cancel-timer slime-connect-retry-timer)) 
(setq slime-connect-retry-timer nil) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ... 
...)))(--G81320-- --attempt-- --retries--)
   apply((lambda (G81326 G81327 G81328) (if (active-minibuffer-window) 
nil (message "Polling %S.. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.)" 
...)) (slime-set-state (format "[polling:%S]" ...)) (if 
slime-connect-retry-timer (cancel-timer slime-connect-retry-timer)) 
(setq slime-connect-retry-timer nil) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ... 
...))) --G81320-- --attempt-- --retries-- nil)
   (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n  (cl-none . 
NIL)\n\n" (apply (quote ...) (quote --G81320--) (quote --attempt--) 
(quote --retries--) --cl-rest--))()
   funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n 
(cl-none . NIL)\n\n" (apply (quote ...) (quote --G81320--) (quote 
--attempt--) (quote --retries--) --cl-rest--)))
   (progn (set --G81320--81321 (list ... ... ... ...)) (funcall 
(symbol-value --G81320--81321)))
   (let ((--G81320--81321 ...)) (set --G81320--81321 nil) (progn (set 
--G81320--81321 ...) (funcall ...)))
   (let ((--retries--81318 ...) (--attempt--81319 ...)) (setf 
(symbol-value --retries--81318) retries (symbol-value --attempt--81319) 
0) (let (...) (set --G81320--81321 nil) (progn ... ...)))
   (lexical-let ((retries retries) (attempt 0)) (labels (...) 
   (progn (cond (... ...) (t ...)) (slime-maybe-start-lisp) 
   (if (or (not ...) (slime-urge-bytecode-recompile)) (progn (cond ... 
...) (slime-maybe-start-lisp) (slime-inferior-connect)))
   (when (or (not ...) (slime-urge-bytecode-recompile)) (cond (... ...) 
(t ...)) (slime-maybe-start-lisp) (slime-inferior-connect))
   (lambda nil "Start an inferior^_superior Lisp and connect to its 
Swank server." (interactive) (when (or ... ...) (cond ... ...) 
(slime-maybe-start-lisp) (slime-inferior-connect)))()
   command-execute(slime t)

Surendra Singhi


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