[slime-devel] Re: other "lisps" support?

Luke Gorrie luke at synap.se
Sat Jan 29 21:50:39 UTC 2005

tom <scrawler at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi guys,
> how easily can slime be modified to support non-common-lisp languages?
>  I have one in mind that I'd love to use with slime...

Good question.

Basically SLIME does not care what it is talking to. The over-the-wire
protocol is S-expressions but they are just messages, not Lisp code.
There are some Common Lisp'ey notions though, like current package.

One way to get a basic idea is to use SLIME for a while and then look
in the *slime-events* buffer to see what messages have been exchanged.
Here's an edited transcript with some comments:

  ;; Lisp->Emacs: Connect to port 33522 to read Lisp *standard-output*
  (:open-dedicated-output-stream 33522)

  ;; Lisp->Emacs: Setup indentation for these macros I've discovered
   (("output-wrapper" . 1)
    ("def-output-routines" . 1)
    ("with-pathname" . 1)
    ("with-host" . 1)
    ("with-read-buffer" . 1)
    ("prepare-for-fast-read-char" . 1)
    ("maybe-sap-maybe-string" . 1)
    ("input-wrapper" . 1)
    ("enumerate-matches" . 1)
    ("with-symbol" . 1)
    ("prepare-for-fast-read-byte" . 1)
    ("with-fop-stack" . 1)
    ("without-package-locks" . 0)
    ("enumerate-search-list" . 1)
    ("def-source-context" . 2)
    ("do-info" . 1)
    ("with-float-traps-masked" . 1)
    ("define-function-name-syntax" . 2)
    ("with-c-strvec" . 1)
    ("descend-into" . 1)

  ;; Emacs->Lisp (RPC request): Tell me about yourself.
   nil t 1)

  ;; Lisp->Emacs (RPC result): My PID is 7852, I'm running CMU Common
  ;; Lisp, and this is my *FEATURES* list.
    (7852 "CMU Common Lisp" "cmucl"
          (:cmu-hooks-require :asdf-install :split-sequence :asdf :gerds-pcl :pcl-structures :portable-commonloops :pcl :cmu19 :cmu19a :python :conservative-float-type :modular-arith :cmucl-19a-patch-002 :cmucl-19a-patch-001 :cmucl-19a-patch-000 :mp :x86 :linkage-table :relative-package-names ...)

Now I type in the REPL..

  ;; Emacs->Lisp: Please eval the string "123\n" using the REPL's
  ;; thread and the COMMON-LISP-USER package and send me the result.
   (swank:listener-eval "123\n")
   "COMMON-LISP-USER" :repl-thread 2)
  ;; Lisp->Emacs: The result prints as "123"
   (:ok "123")

Now I open a file and use `C-c C-c' to compile a defun..

  ;; Emacs->Lisp: Please compile this string.
   (swank:compile-string-for-emacs "(defun add1 (x)\n  (+ x 1))\n" "x.lisp" 1 "/tmp/")
   nil t 14)
  ;; Lisp->Emacs: Done. There were no errors and compilation took 0.06 secs.
    ("NIL" "0.06"))

Now I do M-. on the `add1' function that I just defined:

  ;; Emacs->Lisp: Where are the definition(s) of `add1'?
   (swank:find-definitions-for-emacs "add1")
   nil t 18)

  ;; Lisp-Emacs: There is one definition, it's at position 1 of your
  ;; buffer called x.lisp. In case it moved here's a snippet of its
  ;; source -- you could search for a definition that starts in the
  ;; same way.
       (:buffer "x.lisp")
       (:position 1)
       (:snippet "(defun add1 (x)\n  (+ x 1))\n")))))

.. and so on.

Most dialogue between Emacs and Lisp are RPCs that get translated into
APPLY's of functions in swank.lisp that are defined with DEFSLIMEFUN.

You can see most of the interface with:
  grep defslimefun swank.lisp

but there are also functions in swank-backend.lisp that are callable
from Emacs. You can see which ones in the export list at the top of


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