[slime-devel] Avoid low apply limit

Lynn Quam quam at ai.sri.com
Mon Jan 10 20:05:14 UTC 2005

Helmut Eller wrote:

>  Eduardo Muñoz <emufer at terra.es> writes:
>  > LispWorks has a low args limit for apply. The following
>  > patch (inlined below) avoids landing on sldb when inspecting
>  > long lists. I think that its safe to #'nconc (nreverse
>  > ... but there isnt a noticeable change of speed or consing
>  > so it may be more conservative to just use reduce.
>  Fixed now.  Thanks for the note.
>  Helmut.

It would be nice if there was some better control of the printing of
arrays.  *PRINT-ARRAY* allow for arrays to always be printed or never
be printed.  What would be useful is a variable *PRINT-ARRAY-SIZE*
that says to print arrays whose number of elements is less than or
equal to *PRINT-ARRAY-SIZE* and *PRINT-ARRAY* in non-NIL.  (I seem to
recall that the Lisp Machines had such a variable, but I cannot recall
its exact name.)

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