[slime-devel] the inspector

Thomas Schilling tjs_ng at yahoo.de
Thu Sep 16 00:23:16 UTC 2004

Inlined is a little patch to have method documentation displayed and have  
methods sorted by specifity. This resulted from a #lisp discussion and is  
pretty much inspired by the McCLIM lister. (I think we can steal even more  
 from there ;) )

Hm, McCLIM is GPL. Does that interfere with Slime's license?

Unfortunately I had to change the swank-mop, which will break Slime on  
every implementation other than acl62. We could avoid this by simply  
moving my changes to swank-allegro.lisp, but I think this also fixes a bug  
for all other implementations.

Ok, to call it by name, the current implementation had problems with  
eql-specializers. So I added the eql-spezializer class to the mop. (In  
clisp we this should probably simply be an alias for cons.)

At best the sorting should be customizable. Also it currently doesn't  
consider argument-precedence order and has problems with non-finalized  
classes (which I currently don't know how to solve).

Oh, and finally some little typo fixes.

,--- Patches ---
Index: swank-backend.lisp
RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-backend.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -r1.67 swank-backend.lisp
--- swank-backend.lisp	14 Sep 2004 16:01:07 -0000	1.67
+++ swank-backend.lisp	16 Sep 2004 00:15:50 -0000
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+   #:eql-specializer
     ;; standard-class readers
Index: swank-allegro.lisp
RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-allegro.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 swank-allegro.lisp
--- swank-allegro.lisp	14 Sep 2004 21:24:58 -0000	1.57
+++ swank-allegro.lisp	16 Sep 2004 00:16:13 -0000
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+   mop:eql-specializer
     ;; standard-class readers
@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@

  (defun swank-mop:slot-definition-documentation (slot)
    (documentation slot))
+(defmethod swank-mop:class-name ((x swank-mop:eql-specializer))
+  `(eql ,(mop:eql-specializer-object x)))

  ;;;; TCP Server

Index: swank.lisp
RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.237
diff -u -r1.237 swank.lisp
--- swank.lisp	15 Sep 2004 17:29:39 -0000	1.237
+++ swank.lisp	16 Sep 2004 00:21:25 -0000
@@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@
    (values "An array."
            `("Dimensions: " (:value ,(array-dimensions array))
-            "It's element type is: " (:value ,(array-element-type array))
+            "Its element type is: " (:value ,(array-element-type array))
              "Total size: " (:value ,(array-total-size array))
@@ -2583,7 +2583,7 @@
                     " " (:action ,(format nil "[remove name ~S (does not  
affect class object)]" symbol)
                                  (lambda () (setf (find-class symbol)  
      (values "A symbol."
-            `("It's name is: " (:value ,(symbol-name symbol))
+            `("Its name is: " (:value ,(symbol-name symbol))
                ;; check to see whether it is a global variable, a
                ;; constant, or a symbol macro.
@@ -2665,18 +2665,61 @@
                     collect "#<unbound>"
                   collect '(:newline)))))

+(defun sorted-methods (gf)
+  ;;FIXME: How to deal with argument-precedence-order?
+  (let* ((methods (copy-list (swank-mop:generic-function-methods gf)))
+         (lambda-list (swank-mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf)))
+    ;; sorter function (most specific is defined as smaller)
+    (flet ((method< (meth1 meth2)
+             ;; First ordering rule is by qualifiers, that is  
+             ;; com before :around methods, before primary methods, before
+             ;; :after methods, other qualifiers are treated like none at  
+             ;; (so like primary methods)
+             (let ((qualifier-order '(:before :around nil :after)))
+               (let ((q1 (or (position (first  
(swank-mop:method-qualifiers meth1)) qualifier-order) 2))
+                     (q2 (or (position (first  
(swank-mop:method-qualifiers meth2)) qualifier-order) 2)))
+                 (cond ((< q1 q2) (return-from method< t))
+                       ((> q1 q2) (return-from method< nil)))))
+             ;; If qualifiers are equal, go by arguments
+             (loop for sp1 in (swank-mop:method-specializers meth1)
+                   for sp2 in (swank-mop:method-specializers meth2)
+                   do (cond
+                        ((eq sp1 sp2)) ;; continue comparision
+                        ;; an eql specializer is most specific
+                        ((typep sp1 'swank-mop:eql-specializer)
+                         (return-from method< t))
+                        ((typep sp2 'swank-mop:eql-specializer)
+                         (return-from method< nil))
+                        ;; otherwise the longer the CPL the more specific
+                        ;; the specializer is
+                        (t (let ((l1 (if (swank-mop:class-finalized-p sp1)
+                                         (length  
(swank-mop:class-precedence-list sp1))
+                                         0))
+                                 (l2 (if (swank-mop:class-finalized-p sp2)
+                                         (length  
(swank-mop:class-precedence-list sp2))
+                                         0)))
+                             (cond
+                               ((> l1 l2)
+                                (return-from method< t))
+                               ((< l1 l2)
+                                (return-from method< nil))))))
+                   finally (return nil))))
+      (declare (dynamic-extent #'method<))
+      (sort methods #'method<))))
  (defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((gf standard-generic-function) (inspector  
    (declare (ignore inspector))
    (values "A generic function."
            `("Name: " (:value ,(swank-mop:generic-function-name gf))  
-            "It's argument list is: " ,(princ-to-string  
(swank-mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf)) (:newline)
+            "Its argument list is: " ,(princ-to-string  
(swank-mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf)) (:newline)
              "Documentation: " (:newline)
              ,(princ-to-string (documentation gf t)) (:newline)
-            "It's method class is: " (:value  
,(swank-mop:generic-function-method-class gf)) (:newline)
+            "Its method class is: " (:value  
,(swank-mop:generic-function-method-class gf)) (:newline)
              "It uses " (:value  
,(swank-mop:generic-function-method-combination gf)) " method  
combination." (:newline)
              "Methods: " (:newline)
-                 for method in (swank-mop:generic-function-methods gf)
+                 for method in (sorted-methods gf)
                   collect `(:value ,method
                                    , (with-output-to-string (meth)
                                        (let ((specs  
(swank-mop:method-specializers method))
@@ -2690,6 +2733,13 @@
                   collect " "
                   collect (let ((meth method))
                             `(:action "[remove method]" ,(lambda ()  
(remove-method gf meth))))
+                 collect '(:newline)
+                 collect "  Documentation: "
+                 ;; Display the first sentence or the first 50 characters  
of the docstring
+                 ;; FIXME: Idea's for something less random to chop the  
+                 collect (let ((doc (documentation method t)))
+                           (or (subseq doc 0 (min (1+ (or (position #\.  
doc) 49)) 50))
+                            "None"))
                   collect '(:newline)))))

  (defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((method standard-method) (inspector t))

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