[slime-devel] problems with cross-references

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Sep 13 22:12:21 UTC 2004

Giannandrea Castaldi <g.castal at tiscali.it> writes:

> Any suggestion?

You have to enable xref recording by setting c:*record-xref-info* to T.

The xref support in CMUCL is a bit experimental and the information is
only stored in memory and not in fasls files, i.e., xref info is only
available if you compile the file in the same session.

In case someone wants to improve the situation, below is some code to
dump the xref tables to fasl files.  You have to compile and load the
patch with xref-recording and package locks disabled.  I haven't used
it very much and it may well break some things.


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