[slime-devel] Bug in directory creation

Wolfgang Mederle wolfgang.mederle at stud.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Sep 2 00:38:01 UTC 2004


I encountered a bug in a fresh CVS slime with the latest cmucl binary 
for Darwin:

CL-USER> (lisp-implementation-version)
"19a+ Darwin/Exp 2004-07-25-090"
That's the problem.

I'd like to suggest this change in swank-loader.lisp:

----- 8< ------------
--- swank-loader.lisp.~1.31.~   Fri Aug  6 02:43:35 2004
+++ swank-loader.lisp   Thu Sep  2 02:32:22 2004
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@

  (defparameter *lisp-name*
-  #+cmu       (format nil "cmu-~A" (lisp-implementation-version))
+  #+cmu       (format nil "cmu-~A" (substitute #\- #\/ 
    #+sbcl      (format nil "sbcl-~A" (lisp-implementation-version))
    #+openmcl   "openmcl"
    #+lispworks (format nil "lispworks-~A" (lisp-implementation-version))
------------- >8 ------------

(I hope, the above format is correct, it's the first time I try to send 
a patch.)



Wolfgang Mederle
wolfgang.mederle at stud.uni-muenchen.de * GPG key id E8EF7E7F
ICQ# 1435333 * AIM therealmadearl

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