[slime-devel] XREF troubles

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Nov 25 19:24:42 UTC 2004

Chris Capel <pdf23ds at gmail.com> writes:

> And this is a bit odd, because I was looking at the hook for XREF, and it
> disables slime-mode. But, since forever, I've had a lisp-mode hook that
> enables slime-mode, and I guess it gets run after the XREF hook. I think I
> read somewhere in the slime docs that you're supposed to set up your
> lisp-mode hook this way. So is this a bug, or do I need a different
> configuration?

It's a bug which only occurs in Emacs 21.  The define-derived-mode is
a bit smarter than in Emacs 20 and magically runs mode-hooks at the
end of the body.  I fixed it by disabling the mode-hook altogether.
We it don't need the hook for the xref stuff.


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