[slime-devel] [PATCH] arglist feature

Chris Capel pdf23ds at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 12:48:52 UTC 2004

I added a sort of slime-indent-and-complete-symbol-and-show-arglist function
that shows the arglist like slime-space does if there's a whitespace
character before the point, and completes the symbol otherwise. Oh, and
indents it if it needs to be indented.

To accomplish this, I refactored slime-space to use
slime-echo-arglist-for-enclosing so that I could use the same function in
slime-indent (renamed from slime-indent-and-complete-symbol).

Slime-indent takes a couple customization options so you can disable either
the symbol completion or arglist showing. 

A DWIM tab key! Now I don't need slime-space or slime-return! Awesome.

Patch attached.

Chris Capel
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