[slime-devel] minor enhancements recommended!

Surendra Singhi efuzzyone at netscape.net
Thu Nov 25 02:23:18 UTC 2004


I will suggest few minor changes which can be made, but will greatly 
simplify things for the users.

I feel when there is an error *sldb * should show up in place of the 
repl buffer instead of replacing the code buffer. At present every time 
there is an error I have to replace the sldb buffer by code buffer and 
then repl by the sldb buffer. I am sure other users might also be facing 
this problem and so they must have written some short-cut keys to do 
this. But for xemac newbies(like me) it may be hard to write such 
short-cut keys and so this feature should be inbuilt.

Second, I feel even when the sldb buffer is visible there should be a 
way of interpreting new function definitions(this maybe hard to 
implement). The reason why this feature is useful is that after looking 
at the error one changes the code and then executes it. But because repl 
is hung it the function doesn't executes.
And so I am forced to go to sldb kill it, so that repl returns to normal 
state and then go back and interpret(execute) the function again. 
Moreover, when the sldb is killed the buffer positions revert back to 
what they were before the error occurred. This is annonying and I feel 
shound't happen.


Surendra Singhi


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