[slime-devel] features from ILisp I miss in slime

Rodrigo Ventura yoda at isr.ist.utl.pt
Tue Nov 23 20:19:02 UTC 2004

Hello all,

I've just tryed slime, after years of ILisp use, and I feel great!
Slime is definitely a step ahead of ILisp.

However, there some features I was used to in ILisp, and that I miss
in slime. Maybe some of them are configurable, maybe others are
not. Here goes my list:

- there are a list of key bindings that can be seen after a C-h m in a
Lisp Slime mode, which do not work (e.g., C-c C-a, C-c C-c, etc.) Some
of them have different key bindings in Slime, while others follow a
distinct functional scheme (e.g., showing arguments as you type, which
works fine in slime).

- in Lisp Slime mode a RET does not auto-indent the next line. It'd be
useful to have auto-identation, so that we could save a TAB everytime
we write a new line of LISP.

- in the REPL loop M-p is not quite pratical; couldn't you use for
instance C-up for last expression entered (similar to ILisp)?




*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <yoda at isr.ist.utl.pt>
***  Web page: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~yoda
***   Teaching Assistant and PhD Student at ISR:
***    Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***     Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
*** PGP fingerprint = 0119 AD13 9EEE 264A 3F10  31D3 89B3 C6C4 60C6 4585

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