[slime-devel] Re: xemacs & slime - bug

Surendra Singhi efuzzyone at netscape.net
Mon Nov 22 21:43:29 UTC 2004

Helmut Eller wrote:
> Surendra Singhi <efuzzyone at netscape.net> writes:
>>I use xemacs and slime on windows machine.
>>I recently downloaded the latest version of slime from cvs, but while
>>starting it I get the following error message.
>>Any help on this will be appreciated.
>>I looked into the code and was able to figure out the problem
>>somewhere in slime.el file.
>>But I am a slime and xemacs newbie and wasn't able to fix it.
>>Signaling: (error "No such coding system" iso-8859-1-unix)
>>   set-process-coding-system(#<network connection
>>"*lisp-output-stream*<1>" (1533 . "") state:run>
>>iso-8859-1-unix iso-8859-1-unix)
> Can you show me what coding systems your XEmacs supports?  You can
> list them with M-x describe-coding-system RET TAB.
My xemacs doesn't have M-x describe-coding-system so i used
M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system. Are they the same?
Anyway the listing is:

Possible completions are:
automatic-conversion	  nil			    raw-text-mac
binary			  no-conversion		    raw-text-unix
ctext			  no-conversion-dos	    terminal
file-name		  no-conversion-mac	    undecided
iso-8859-1		  no-conversion-unix	    undecided-dos
iso-8859-2		  raw-text		    undecided-mac
keyboard		  raw-text-dos		    undecided-unix

Surendra Singhi


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