[slime-devel] Re: Using M-. for specialized methods

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Fri May 21 20:51:04 UTC 2004

Bill_Clementson at peoplesoft.com writes:

> ACL 6.2 returns:
> ((BAR #((:FILE "c:\\tmp\\foo.lisp") (:POSITION 23)))
>  ((METHOD FOO ((EQL :A)))
>   #((:FILE "c:\\tmp\\foo.lisp") (:POSITION 40)))
>  ((METHOD FOO ((EQL :B)))
>   #((:FILE "c:\\tmp\\foo.lisp") (:POSITION 74)))
>  (FOO #((:FILE "c:\\tmp\\foo.lisp") (:FUNCTION-NAME "FOO"))))

This looks fine.  I don't see why Emacs can't locate the methods in
your code.  Could you post an example?

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