[slime-devel] SLIME User Survey

Raymond Wiker Raymond.Wiker at fast.no
Sat Jun 19 16:06:12 UTC 2004

Luke Gorrie writes:
 > If the ALU can do it then so can we :-). It would be nice to get some
 > feedback to understand which backends are getting the most/least usage
 > and which ones are flaky.
 > So if you are an active SLIME user and you have a moment then please
 > reply to this mail (send the reply to the list).
 > Questions:
 > Which Lisp versions do you use SLIME with?


 > Which Emacs versions?

       XEmacs 21.4.12 (FreeBSD), Emacs 21.3.50 (MacOSX)

 > How well does SLIME work for you?

        It works great for me, but I haven't really got started with
any of the advanced features.

 > What bugs (reproducible or otherwise) or missing features annoy you?


 > Is there some packaging system (e.g. Debian) that you would like to
 > see SLIME 1.0 bundled with? If so, do you know how to coordinate this?
 > If you said anything negative above then please say something nice
 > here to make us feel good:

        I don't think any of the above could be counted as negative,
but I'll say this anyway: SLIME is an extremely smooth way of working
with Lisp code :-)

Raymond Wiker                        Mail:  Raymond.Wiker at fast.no
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