[slime-devel] Re: SLIME User Survey

Thomas F. Burdick tfb at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Jun 18 16:33:37 UTC 2004

Brian Downing writes:
 > On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 05:08:18PM +0200, Edi Weitz wrote:
 > > > I also wish the REPL would re-send old input if you hit RET while on
 > > > that input.
 > > 
 > > <AOL>
 > >   Me too.
 > > </AOL>
 > I would vote for the first RET just pulling the old input onto the last
 > prompt (probably placing point in the same location in the new copy as
 > where you hit RET in the old one) to give the user a chance to make
 > changes.  If you didn't want changes, you just hit RET RET.
 > The LispWorks Listener behaves this way.

(with-parroting (:aol)
  me too!)

As does FRED.  I've been meaning to go back to using MCL for a bit, to
see what features hit me as something I miss in SLIME.  Alas, getting
work done with SBCL keeps getting in the way.

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