[slime-devel] some problems

Helmut Eller e9626484 at stud3.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Jun 9 20:28:27 UTC 2004

Rui Patrocínio <rui.patrocinio at netvisao.pt> writes:

>  Currently the 'slime-repl-stack-package' is not initialized with M-x
> slime (only with slime-start-and-load, AFAIK), none the less the repl
> starts with the CL-USER package. Shouldn't the stack be initialized with
> that package?

Yes, it seems so.  Probably not much use to you :-) but is fixed in

>  The other problem is only a matter of consistency. The
> slime-simple-completions doesn't have the same interface of
> slime-completions. 

I removed the second argument for slime-completions.  No caller
supplied it anyway.

> I think there are some problems with the handling of
> CL symbols and packages, but I'll comment on that later.

That's entirely possible.

>  Continue with the great job. :)

Will try :-)


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