[slime-devel] can't restart lisp/slime in the same emacs session

Chisheng Huang cph at chi-square-works.com
Wed Jul 21 21:08:22 UTC 2004

After doing a cvs update today (2004-07-21 PDT), I'm having trouble 
restarting Lisp/Slime:
  1. "M-x slime" to get a *slime-repl[1]* buffer
  2. Type (quite) in *slime-repl[1]* buffer and this message shows up
     in the mini buffer:
       error in process sentinel: Connection closed
  3. Doing "M-x slime" again will not get a *slime-repl[1]* buffer and
     the following message shows up in the mini buffer:
       No Lisp subprocess: see variable `inferior-lisp-buffer'.

I hope I do not have to mess with inferior-lisp-buffer everytime I restart

I'm using CMUCL-19a-pre3 (x86, Linux) and GNU Emacs 21.2.1.



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