[slime-devel] Re: sldb is not working in windows version of Allegro CL

Ignas Mikalajunas i.mikalajunas at mbt.lt
Tue Jan 6 12:49:24 UTC 2004

   I have managed to find the cause of the (debugger-info-for-emacs)
failing. In documentation it is said:
(debugger-info-for-emacs) returns a list (condition-description ...)

condition-description---a string describing the condition that
triggered the debugger.

yet debugger-condition-for-emacs -

(defun debugger-condition-for-emacs ()
  (list (safe-condition-message *swank-debugger-condition*)
        (format nil "   [Condition of type ~S]"
                (type-of *swank-debugger-condition*))))

the function generating condition-description returns a list of two
strings ... so it is pretty strange that I was the only one to encounter
this problem ...
   Ignas Mikalajunas

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