[slime-devel] SWANK:*SLDB-PPRINT-FRAMES* still available?

Paolo Amoroso amoroso at mclink.it
Thu Dec 9 16:53:44 UTC 2004

After a major software upgrade and various CVS problems, after over a
month I have finally updated my working copy of SLIME's CVS tree.  But
when I start SLIME with CMUCL, I get this error related to my

;; Loading #P"/home/paolo/.swank.lisp".

Reader error at 56 on #<Stream for file "/home/paolo/.swank.lisp">:
Symbol "*SLDB-PPRINT-FRAMES*" not found in the SWANK package.
   [Condition of type LISP::READER-PACKAGE-ERROR]

  0: [CONTINUE] Use symbol anyway.
  1:            Return NIL from load of #P"/home/paolo/.swank.lisp".
  2:            Return NIL from load of "/home/paolo/src/slime/swank-loader.lisp".
  3: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

(LISP::READ-TOKEN #<Stream for file "/home/paolo/.swank.lisp"> #\s)
Source: Error finding source: 
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer exists:

The file contains:

(setq swank:*sldb-pprint-frames* t)

Although the manual still mentions swank:*sldb-pprint-frames*, it
looks like it's no longer in the code.  Is there equivalent
functionality in current SLIME?  I use GNU Emacs 21.3.2 and CMUCL
2004-12 under Slackware Linux 10.0.

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