[slime-devel] Re: Shrinking REPL buffer

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Thu Dec 2 14:13:37 UTC 2004

d95-bli at nada.kth.se (Björn Lindberg) writes:

> Sometimes when I have been using the same Slime session for some time,
> the Slime REPL buffer can get very large. This makes some unusual
> behaviour appear, some things are slower, and when typing <tab>
> sometimes it apparently hangs, and I have to escape by C-g.
> So, is there some good way to, say, remove the first half of the REPL
> buffer or so that doesn't involve restarting the lisp process or
> otherwise disturbing things?

I use C-c C-t, slime-repl-clear-buffer, for this. It zaps out
everything in the REPL buffer and starts fresh.

(The docstring for that function in slime.el is pretty strange.)


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