[slime-devel] Re: weird CMUCL behavior of ext:set-floating-point-modes

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Wed Apr 28 14:52:55 UTC 2004

rif <rif at MIT.EDU> writes:

> Please forgive me if this is not the right place to send help requests
> --- I see it is a devel mailing list, but I could not find a
> slime-user or slime-help list.

This is the right place.

> I am experiencing odd behavior using SLIME with CMUCL.  It seems that
> a call to ext:set-floating-point-modes is failing to set the modes
> correctly.  From within SLIME, I have the following interaction:

I don't understand this stuff, but it does appear to be caused by our
using SIGIO. If you use a SERVE-EVENT handler for SLIME instead of
SIGIO then it works as expected. To do that, put this in your

  (setq swank:*communication-style* :fd-handler)

There're some more details/cautions about our request handling styles
in the Lisp-side configuration part of the manual, which currently
lives at http://www.bluetail.com/~luke/misc/lisp/slime.ps.gz


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