[slime-devel] Installation Slime with OpenMCL

David Steuber david at david-steuber.com
Thu Apr 22 19:59:45 UTC 2004

Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it> writes:

I have a quick pair of questions.

> (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root
>       "file:///Users/mb/lisp/HyperSpec-4-0/HyperSpec/"
>       common-lisp-hyperspec-symbol-table
>       "/Users/mb/lisp/HyperSpec-4-0/HyperSpec/Data/Symbol-Table.text"
>       cltl2-root-url
>       "file:///Users/mb/lisp/info/cltl")

Why does common-lisp-hyperspec-symbol-table get set?  Isn't that in
the same place in copies of the hyperspec?  Would there be an
advantage to me setting it?

And, I missed CLtL2 in the slime docs.  I'll have to check that out.
Is there a hot key for it?  I just happen to have CLtL2 installed in
a very similar location on my system.  How often do you use that over
the hyperspec?

I guess that's a large value of 2 ;-)

FYI, there is a hyperspec 6.0.  I don't know what gets updated, but
you can find it here:


I wouldn't mind the rat race so much if it wasn't for all the damn cats.

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