[slime-devel] Slime and sbcl, minor problems.

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Mon Nov 24 06:20:47 UTC 2003

lawrence mitchell <wence at gmx.li> writes:

> So I'm trying to get slime and sbcl working together happily.
> Versions:
>   SBCL (CVS as of 2003/11/23)
>   Slime (CVS as of 2003/11/23)
> In order to get slime to work properly, I needed to make two
> minor modifications to swank-sbcl.lisp and swank.lisp.
> The change to swank-sbcl.lisp was to allow
> SLIME-EDIT-FDEFINITION to work properly.  The pathname returned
> by SWANK:FUNCTION-SOURCE-LOCATION hadn't been resolved via
> sbcl's LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS.  Hence, Emacs was sending
> me to buffers like "SYS:SRC;CODE;DEFMACRO.LISP", rather than
> "/opt/cvs-trees/sbcl/src/code/defmacro.lisp".  Not knowing
> whether this is even vaguely correct, I added a TRUENAME call as
> below:


> -          :filename (and pathname (namestring pathname))
> +          :filename (and pathname (namestring (truename pathname)))

This code has been working previously so I wonder if something has
changed in SBCL? I'm building the latest now, but have committed the
change anyway - thanks!

I also committed some small fixage to the Elisp code for looking up
definitions in SBCL when source-form number isn't available and it has
to use regexps.

> The second problem was rather more severe, since swank-sbcl.lisp
> doesn't define SWANK:EVAL-IN-FRAME, there was a compilation
> reader error on compiling swank.lisp, specifically:


>  (defslimefun eval-string-in-frame (string index)
> -  (to-string (swank-backend:eval-in-frame (from-string string) index)))
> +  (to-string (swank-backend::eval-in-frame (from-string string) index)))

Whoops, something I broke yesterday. Applied, thanks again.


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