[slime-devel] Re: Slime and XEmacs

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cam.ac.uk
Sat Nov 8 14:18:36 UTC 2003

Raymond Toy <rtoy at earthlink.net> writes:

> Helmut Eller wrote:
>> The problem with SERIES is that the compiler condition actually
>> contains a message, but has length zero.  The SERIES package prints
>> the warning itself to *standard-output* and uses (warn "") to inform
>> the compiler.  I changed the slime code a bit, so you see at least 2
>> double quotes ("") in the echo area if the message is empty.
> Would it be better if the message wasn't zero-length?  I can look into
> changing that if it makes slime work better, and if the messages still
> make sense.

Is there a reason why series is emitting /warnings/ by emitting text
to *standard-output* (why not *error-output*?) and then calling WARN
with an empty string?  It feels like a workaround for a long-dead bug

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