[slime-devel] Another slime-openmcl minor mod

Alan Ruttenberg alanralanr at comcast.net
Fri Dec 12 05:56:18 UTC 2003

This isn't perfect, but at least you don't go into the debugger 
sometimes. I'll look closer for a better fix.
An example is '+ which has source information for the method 
combination method.

(defun source-info-first-file-name (info)
   (etypecase info
     ((or pathname string) (namestring (truename info)))
      (etypecase (car info)
        (cons (source-info-first-file-name (car info)))
        (standard-method (source-info-first-file-name (cdr info)))
        ((member function) (source-info-first-file-name (cdr info)))
        ((member method) (source-info-first-file-name (cdr info)))
        ((or pathname string) (namestring (truename (car info))))
        (t (source-info-first-file-name (cdr info))))))) ;; <=====


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